Foundations of Giving
- God Owns it All (Psalms 24:1-2)
God is the rightful owner of all I have. He trusts me to steward what belongs to him in a way that reflects his priorities and demonstrates wisdom and faith. Since it all belongs to him, I need to submit to the giving principals laid out in his word.
2. Giving is to be done with a Grateful Heart (2 Corinthians 9:7)
God asks that we give out of loving and thankful hearts for all that He has done for us.
3. Giving is an act of Worship (Romans 12:1)
We include the collecting of tithes and offerings in the weekend service as a visible reminder that giving is an act of worship.

Principles for Giving
1. Disobedience in Giving Equals Stealing from God (Malachi 3:8)
2. Giving Reflects a trust in God as our Provider (Malachi 3:10)
3. Tithing is a good Starting Point in Giving (Matthew 23:23 & Hebrews 7:1-2)
God gives a clear warning: to withhold a biblical portion (10% of total household gross income) is to steal what is rightfully his. The principle is “firstfruits” — giving back to God first, with the first he has entrusted to me.
2. Giving Reflects a trust in God as our Provider (Malachi 3:10)
God challenges us to “put him to the test.” As we obey what he asks, he promises to meet our needs. We like to say, “90% with you and God is greater than 100% on your own.”
3. Tithing is a good Starting Point in Giving (Matthew 23:23 & Hebrews 7:1-2)
The tithe is a universal principle, not just an Old Testament command. If someone wonders where to begin giving, 10% is a good starting point. Anything given over and above the tithe is called an offering.

Rewards of Giving
1. God Rewards the Giver Proportionate to the Sacrifice (2 Corinthians 9:6)
2. Most Rewards are not Financial
Whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. God wants to reward the person who gives generously and obediently to him.
2. Most Rewards are not Financial
God’s rewards come in many forms:
- Holiness: God makes you more like Jesus as you apply his word to your life – John 14:21
- Prayer: Witness God answer prayer in an increased way – John 14:13–14
- Ministry: My life bears increased fruit for his glory – John 15:8
- Financial: The other rewards become so meaningful that a monetary option pales in comparison; however, at times God does give back to us financially – Proverbs 3:9–10