Bible Study Challenge

A commitment to spiritual growth depends on knowledge of God’s Word and applying it personally.  David wrote, “I have hidden your word in my heart so that I won’t sin against you.”  If you want less sin to deal with in your life, give more attention to knowing and doing what God has said in the Scriptures.  We’ve put a challenge before you that will strengthen your walk with Christ. 

1. Pick A Book In The New Testament with 4 or 5 Chapters

Your options are Galatians (5), Colossians (4), Philippians (4), 1 Thessalonians (5), 2 Timothy (4), James (5), 1 Peter (5), 1 John (5)

Not sure what to pick? Check these  chapter summaries

2. Plan to Work on a Chapter Each Month.

But before you start the first chapter, take the time to read an intro to the book. Study a theology book or commentary so you understand the background and history of the book you’ve chosen. Access RightNow Media to get some additional input. For example, you could check out Matt Chandler on Colossians or Philippians. If you’re looking for even more resources, contact one of our leaders for more suggestions. Once you’ve studied about the book, then give your attention to reading, studying, and pondering what the Scriptures say in the book you’ve chosen.

It’s not a daily chore, but a wise discipline that you’ll attend to three or four times during the week for 30 to 40 minutes, going beyond your usual study level.  Consider reading from a physical Bible when you’re at home and using a digital one when you’re on the go.  It can be helpful to make a small investment in these recommended resources. Find and use a good printed study Bible with copious scholarly notes and generous margins (or a separate journal if you can roll that way).  Download a Bible app that can access different versions, and commentaries.  Strong apps allow for personal notes (a great asset for people who aren’t likely to keep personal notes organized – the app can do it for you.)

As you read through and study each chapter, watch for verses that are especially meaningful to you at this point in your life and take the time to commit those verses to memory. Find someone to review verses with who can check your accuracy and encourage you to keep memorizing.

3. Profit from a Proven Study Method.

This is purposeful research. You are working out your salvation by digging in to the Word to hear the voice of God clearly.  The payoff for your effort is immense – you will come away assured of what God says to his people and more aware of his direction for your life as a believer.

A method that has these elements and is highly recommended is the Inductive Bible Study Cheat Sheet (PDF)

4. Practice and Pass on What You Learn.

Don’t just be a hearer, or in our case, a reader of the Word. Do what it says. Share with other people what God is showing you through his Word and what you’ve experienced as result of living by his direction.

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